Andrea Quarin
Since May, 2012
75 4400+ 100 13890
Easy Listening 19 Pop Rock 12 Modern Classical 12 Pop 12 Orchestral 10 Rock 10 Acoustic 8 Lounge 6 Classical 6 Dance 5 Alternative Metal 5 Minimal 4 Chill out 3 Ambient 3 Hybrid Orchestral 3 Folk 2
My background is a family full of musician hence since young age I have been learning and playing different instruments such as guitar and piano. At the age of 21 I decided to move to England (I am Italian) to better my chances of gaining a career in the music sector and specifically to pursue my dream of become a composer for television and films. So far some of my compositions have been used by TV channels such as Eurosport, ITV and Sky. I always strive to accomplish great sounding compositions and there is no better feeling than hearing people congratulate you for making great music! :)