Goldie Shine
Since Mar, 2017
46 500+ 18 1420
Chill out 18 Pop 11 Indie 9 Ambient 9 Modern Classical 8 Lounge 6 Electronic 6 Acoustic 5 New Age 5 Classical Piano 5 Easy Listening 4 Rock 3 Funk 2 Minimal 2 Classical 2 Acid Jazz 2
In TNTracks we work with top nothc professional musicians in order to provide you with the highest quality sound tracks accustomed to any need. Our library offers a wide range of updated styles and sounds.
TNTracks is capable to provide a customer accustomed services including tailor made tracks alongside with compositing, arranging, production and editing tracks from our existing catalog. All of our music is recorded and mixed in the best equipment and cutting edge technology.
In TNTracks we have an experienced and attentive staff that provides consulting services and professional support.