Latin-inspired arrangement of electric piano, guitar, bass synth, marimba and percussion suggested to underscore scenes of leisure, carefree relaxation and vacation ..
Traditional instruments such as Marimba and mixed gender African vocals provide a happy, upbeat track designed to imply a sense of freedom and feel good atmosphere, which is very suitable for advertising purposes.
This composition is a perfect fit for travel film trailers, jungle and safari videos, as well as any project that draws inspiration from African music.
A stylish and groovy royalty free Amapiano styled deep house track with African beats, percussions, flute, pads, synths and atmospheric background vocals.
Traditional African percussion and beat mixed with modern hip-hop featuring human chants, background vocals.
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If you're on a quest for vibrant African royalty-free stock music, Melody Loops is your go-to destination! Our library is a treasure chest of African rhythms and tribal melodies that'll add an authentic vibe to any project you're working on, including documentaries, podcasts, and commercials. From rhythmic drums to melodious ethnic chants, our collection is as diverse as the continent itself.
You can customize the length of these tracks! Need a short snippet for a quick ad or a longer piece for a documentary? Let us help you with that. We've got you covered with our Longoloops custom music length feature, that’s easy to use, be it a short clip or an extended journey through sound.
We've made our license simple and straightforward. No complex terms, just easy, worry-free usage.
Dive into our huge selection and find that perfect African rhythm that makes your project stand out. Discover the heartbeat of Africa at Melody Loops!
Download royalty free african background music for any use.